Suraram Hyderabad, India
07 - 08 Sep 2006

200 Pastors

The first meeting was an outdoor crusade. About 1,000 people attended. People were saved and healed. This was followed by a two day Pastors Conference where 200 Pastors attended.

All these Pastors are faithfully working in the Lord's field, and the Lord sees everything done in His name. There are some amazing things being achieved by them and the Lord sees everything! Amen.

Many seeds and teachings of the Word came out during the various sessions. Some of the topics were:

Gods Word is Medicine to Your Life
The Heart of Man
Confess Gods Word
Gods Covenant
All Scripture is Profitable
Have Ears to Hear the Truth of Gods Word
3 Key Scriptures:
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All scriptures is profitable
1 Corinthians 15:44-49 First the natural, then the spiritual
1 Corinthians 10:1-11 Natural Israel as an Example
Tithes & Offerings
Foundation Truths
The Church History
Judgement in the House of God




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Jim & Debra Walker Ministries Inc. Knox
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