Palakol, India
22 - 24 Jan 2007

Revival in Palakol

This Conference was for about 600 Pastors at Palakol. Various topics came out such as:

Attributes of God
First the Natural
Sower and the Seed
Bring Forth Fruit
Anointed with Power
The Abrahamic Covenant
Tithes, Communion & Offerings
Wine & Strong Drink
The Feasts
The Rain
The Trumpet.

On the last day I spoke on the Holy Spirit, and then asked for an indication of those in the meeting who would like to be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and approximately 550 Pastors raised their hands. I then led them in a general prayer and then the Holy Spirit wonderfully filled the people with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Again two ladies operated the gift of other tongues and interpretation and prophesied in an unknown language and then interpreted in Telegu. Just like in the Book of Acts. Amazing.




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Jim & Debra Walker Ministries Inc. Knox
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