02 - 11 Apr 2005

20,000 attend Healing Crusade and 2,500 attend Pastors & Leaders Conference

20,000 people gathered for a healing crusade, and heard how Jesus still heals today! Thousands were healed and those who were evil possessed were set free! People from the media attended and took pictures and recorded testimonies which they later published.

A lady who had been paralysed for 7 years down her left side, testified that following prayer all the pain left and she then ran across the stage to verify the healing. Another girl approximately 12 years old was carried into the meeting on a chair and following prayer got out of the chair and walked. The look on her face said it all. She was totally amazed that she could walk! Praise the Lord! Another lady testified that the Lord filled her with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Safia testified that following prayer during the crusade, Hepatitis B which she had had for two years was totally healed. Salima testified that following prayer a tumour was removed. A Father testified that his child suffered with water in her head and that the Doctors could do no more. His child was totally healed by the Lord Jesus. Jamial who had suffered for 18 years with leg cancer was totally healed by the Lord. Razia testified that her one year old child who had a heart problem whom she brought to the meeting was totally healed. One lady who had suffered with a ladies problem for 13 years testified that God had healed her. Siaka testified that the Lord healed her from blood cancer. Others were healed of stomach disorders, diseases, pains and heart conditions. The Senior Pastor reported that he has received thousands of other reports of the Lord healing all manner of diseases.

Also during the same week, 2,500 Pastors and Church Leaders gathered for a two day conference where encouragement, faith and spiritual growth was imparted through the word of God. Many Pastors testified of being blessed and challenged with the Word of God, and that their ministry will never be the same.

Jim & Deb have also been invited to return for a 100,000 people crusade. This they will do, the Lord permitting and financing!




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Jim & Debra Walker Ministries Inc. Knox
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