Dipolog, Philippines
21 - 25 Sep 2009

Pastors & Leaders' Conference

In September 2009 we held a Pastors and Leaders' conference in the Philippines. Pastor Boni advised that the Pastors were very hungry to understand the Word of God concerning the End-Times. A 5 day conference was arranged, with 3 meetings held each day.

The Pastors and Leaders, (as well as Bible Students), came hungry and thirsty for more of God. The Lord did not disappoint them, and Jim was able to open the scriptures on the following topics, emphasizing that these events must take place, before Jesus Christ can return.

The release to the Body of Christ of the true 5 fold ministry
The last 12 (Senior) Apostles who will lead the Church
The Perfection of the Church
The Marriage of the Lamb
The Manifestation of the Sons o God
The Last World Revival - Harvest of Ingathering
The Manifestation of the Antichirst - Son of Perdition
The Great Falling Away of a third of the Church due to deception
The 7 Seals opened, the 7 Trumpets blown and the 7 Vials poured out
The Release of the last World Dictator
The Two Witnesses

During the week there was a session where Jim preached on Healing and then we saw the Lord confirm His Word and heal people instantly. Amen.

There was another session between meetings where those desiring to receive the Holy Spirit, came forward. Debra helped them to prepare their hearts, led them in prayer and they were 'filled' with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Praise the Lord.

Even though the week was predominantly to feast on the Word, at two of the night meetings there was opportunity to 'swim' in The River of God. The anointing was so very refreshing. Many were filled with the joy of the Lord, others had their wounded hearts healed, others were set free, some visibly shook feeling like electricity was going through them, others wept, some were delivered, while others were 'stuck' to the floor as the Holy Spirit ministered to each person according to their need. It was very powerful. Amen.

All glory to God for the lives He touched, encouraged and strengthened. Amen.




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Jim & Debra Walker Ministries Inc. Knox
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