
What does God's Word Say?

Mar 10:27
With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.
Mar 9:23
All things are possible to him who believes.

Lives are being changed because:

Heb 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever.
Heb 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Rev 12:11
And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death.
Act 10:34
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.

Jesus is alive and by His Holy Spirit, is still healing the broken hearted, setting the captives free, restoring lives and families, 'igniting fires' in hearts, and refreshing people through His anointing touch, today.  The Lord is faithful to watch over and to perform His word.  Following the preaching of His word and prayer, these are some of the testimonies we have received advising of the Lord's healing power. We trust these will encourage you to believe God's word.

If you have attended one of our meetings or Church services and have a testimony to share about what God has done for you, then we would be delighted for you to Submit your Testimony here online for us to share with others.

All the glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!


  • Abdominal Pain
  • Aching Hands
  • AIDS
  • Ankles
  • Arm - Dislocated
  • Anorexia
  • Arthritis
  • Arm - Paralysed
  • Asthma


  • Back - Frozen
  • Back - Mangled
  • Back - Muscles
  • Back - Pain
  • Barrenness
  • Bi-polar disease
  • Bladder infection
  • Blurred Vision
  • Blind - Born
  • Blindness
  • Blood Flow - Continual
  • Blood Pressure - High
  • Blood - Problems
  • Boils
  • Bone Disease
  • Bone - Shortening
  • Born Deaf & Dumb
  • Bowl condition
  • Breast - Cyst
  • Breast - Lump
  • Breast - Tumour
  • Breathing Problems
  • Burned hands


  • Cancer
  • Cancer - Breast
  • Cancer - Blood
  • Cancer - Lung
  • Cancer - Ovarian
  • Cataracts
  • Chest pains
  • Chronic Arthritis
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Collapsed Lungs
  • Continual Cough
  • Continual Flow of Blood
  • Continual Flow of Tears
  • Cyst - Breast
  • Cyst - Ovarian
  • Covid 19


  • Deaf
  • Deafness
  • Degenerative Bone Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Disc Problems
  • Dislocated Arm
  • Dumb
  • Dumb /Mute


  • Ear condition when flying
  • Ear - Pains
  • Eczema
  • Epilepsy
  • Eyes - Blindness
  • Eyes - Flow of Tears
  • Eyes - Painful


  • Feet - Arches
  • Fever
  • Fluid of the Knee
  • Frozen - Arm
  • Frozen - Shoulder


  • Gall Bladder
  • Goitre


  • Haemorrhoid
  • Hands - Aching
  • Hands - Burned
  • Head - Swelling
  • Heart - Condition
  • Heart - Disease
  • Heart - Failure
  • Heart
  • Hepatitis B & C
  • High Blood Pressure


  • Incontinence
  • Industrial Deafness
  • Insomnia


  • Kidney
  • Knee - Disease
  • Knee - Dislocated
  • Knee - Reconstruction
  • Knee - Weak


  • Ladies problems
  • Lame
  • Leg - Pain
  • Liver conditions
  • Lump in the Breast
  • Lung - Collapse
  • Lung - Disease
  • Lung - Problems


  • Madness
  • Malaria
  • Mangled Back
  • Mental Illness
  • Migraine
  • Muscle Pain
  • Muscles -Torn


  • Neck Pain
  • Nightmares
  • Nose Pains
  • Nose Polyps
  • Numbness


  • Ovarian - Cancer
  • Ovarian - Cyst


  • Pain in Eyes
  • Paralysis
  • Pelvis .Twisted
  • Polyps -Nose


  • Rheumatism


  • Shortening of Bones
  • Shoulder - Frozen
  • Shoulder - Rheumatism
  • Sinus
  • Skin Allergy
  • Stomach - Disorder
  • Stomach - Pain
  • Stomach - Tumour
  • Stroke
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Swelling in Head
  • Swollen Throat


  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Throat - Swollen
  • Thyroid condition
  • Tonsil
  • Tooth Ache
  • Torn Back Muscles
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Tumour - Breast
  • Tumour - Stomach
  • Twisted Pelvis


  • Ulcers
  • Unable to Walk
  • Urinal Tract Infection (UTI)


  • Vertebrae Disc Problems


  • Weak Hips
  • Weak Knees
  • Weak Wrist
  • Witchcraft - Deliverance

Here are some written testimonies that have been received.  We have withheld the names and addresses of the individuals listed below to protect their privacy.

Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
I never knew about Jesus in my life and I live in Bogura area in the country of Bangladesh. I have got a great opportunity in my life to hear about Jesus through your powerful message, Sharing The Gospel. This message helped me to understand that Jesus is real, and God is real, and He is giving, loving, kind and generous. In my life I have faced a lot of trials and problems and never found peace. I belong to Islamic religion and fond of my Allah but when I heard your testimony, I am truly touched and you have given your life to Jesus through your Aunt, and I have given my life to Jesus in Bangladesh through your message. It is only the will of God in our lives, because I live in a different country where you actually do not know but as you followed Jesus’ word, Go, you fulfilled this through the broadcasting of your messages to the world which touched a life in Bangladesh. I am praying that Bangladesh will surely hear your messages and I am following your messages. I am sincerely requesting you to please do help me with a bible if it is possible for you. I want to know more about Jesus and follow the verses you tell in the messages. J., Bangladesh
from Bangladesh
Received God's Forgiveness
I am a Marketing Manager of a Big Shopping Mall in a province in Turkey and the world tourists are more in our area who come to our mall. I have a shift off and I always see bad videos on my phone which I always search for them. Suddenly by browsing many things, I do not know how it came but the Miracle Net streaming came and then was your message, which I saw you in another way. You are so beautiful, and I decided to hear what you say which was my other way of getting my bad life turn into good life. Jesus gave me an opportunity in this shopping mall to hear about Jesus and your testimony touched me a lot. I belong to Islam religion and have done a lot of sins, but Jesus still loves me, and He cares for me. After hearing this great message, yes wherever it is heard, I heard about Jesus for the first time and came out of all lust in my life and said a prayer to Jesus to forgive me and the bad life and the bad things in my life have come to any end. Yes, you told Go and we have to tell others about Jesus. I take care of hundreds of staff in the shopping mall. If you can give me some bibles I can tell about Jesus to my staff and also to the world tourists who come here to our shopping mall as I always have access to go to every floor to check out the persons coming to our shopping mall. I am glad that I escaped hell through your great message. I will never forget you in my life. R., Turkey
from Turkey
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
I am so thankful for your magazine. It is a wonderful opportunity in my life for accepting Jesus into my heart. You have shown an everlasting life through this magazine. If I could not have read this magazine, where would I go? Still I imagine and think of this and I am very happy getting salvation into my life. I went to a Christian library one time in our town, and I found this colourful magazine there, and I thought of reading this magazine and I decided to read it. Once I stopped there by Salvation, I came to know Jesus and I thought I need not be cursed, but I need blessing, so now I am a Christian. P.K., A.P. India
from India
Received Healing and Salvation
I am a pagan woman and I have several body disorders in my body and could not even walk properly and go to work. I am having this problem from several years. One day I went to my cousin's house who are Christians, and I told my cousin what the problem I am facing. And she told that she will give a magazine for me to read and after reading she told me if I desire to pray, I can pray. So, I took the magazine and read the topic Salvation and then Healing. Then only I know that Jesus would heal me and save me. So I prayed to Jesus the Salvation prayer and then asked Jesus to forgive my sins and restore my body and instantly I could see my body having no disorders. So I told my cousin I am healed and she started praising the Lord and me too. The next day I am able to work 9 hours in the field without any problem. My body disorders had pained me for several years and I am so blessed with my first pay. I went to the local church and told my testimony and gave the first pay to Lord. Now I am so happy. Please pray for my husband’s salvation. S, Visakhapatnam, India
from India
Healed and Saved
I am a sick man, and I am always on bed and from 2 years I have been to bed due to my severe complications which doctors tried to do their best. I am looking for death as I have multiple complications, and my children have done their best taking me to the priests of Buddhists as we belong to Buddhism, but nothing happened. So, I always spend time on the television and media waiting on my death because I cannot tolerate the pain in my body, but this was the time I found to hear your great message, Sharing The Gospel. This message helped me to understand that Jesus is the living God and He can touch me and heal me and your testimony which I heard touched my heart so much. If somebody helped you to understand about Jesus and you found peace, the same God can also help me on my bed I thought. I said the prayer you said in the message and gave my life to Jesus. My children came from the work, and I told them about Jesus and your message. They did not even listen to me. But in a couple of days, my situation is changing, and I started moving my body and then I told God you are touching me in a short span of time. I woke up from bed and there is a great change and I started walking and my children are so surprised to see me and brought my nearby people who thought that I would die at any day. Z.I., Vietnam
from Vietnam
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
Thank you so much Debra for telecasting a great truth about Jesus on the Miracle Net, and I have got the opportunity to hear your message, Sharing The Gospel. This is the first time that I am hearing about Jesus in a nation where Buddhism is playing a major role in our lives. I remember a few years back a team came from the Netherlands to put some meetings and they are being put in prison, but years later I am hearing about Jesus in my life and face to face I heard your testimony how you have given your life to Jesus. This truly touched me. In my life as I followed my parents, I had to believe in Buddhism. I am a follower of this religion, but when I heard about Jesus and His great love in this message, I heard that God does not want me to perish and He gives peace and He forgives us and He is God of giving, loving, kind and generous. We cannot talk to Buddha, he is dead, but we can speak to Jesus, He is the living God. I prayed the prayer and asked God to forgive my sins in the past and I am a child of Jesus now. Please pray for my family to come to Jesus and also, I request you to please help me with some books and a bible to know more about Jesus. F.K., Thailand
from Thailand
Received Peace and Employment, Following Salvation
I read your magazine Revival From Down Under Magazine and I am so touched by the Salvation article in the magazine. Previously I used to worship idol gods and this magazine I studied in the library and turned my attention towards accepting Jesus into my heart. After I became a Christian, there is a lot of peace in my family, and I have no work for 6 months and I lost my job due to my drinking habit. But after accepting Jesus, the owner of the company again called me and gave me the job. It is only Jesus that gave me the job and now all my family is changed, and we are now Christians. Previously we are Hindus. We are a family of Christ now and we are praying that all our community will know Jesus through our testimony. R., A.P. India
from India
Healed of Chest Pains after 5 years and Saved
I am a pagan man. I am a carpenter and I worship nearly more than 120 gods. In my shop I have put nearly 45 god pictures and I worship them every day with pujas. But from 5 years I am having chest pain which no doctor can diagnose what is my disease. In a week 2 days I suffer a lot of pain all the day and night. I feel even I am dying with that pain. I went to witchcraft people for healing and they have given some threads which can heal me and I used all of them. All these years I have no healing and lose all my hope, but did not forget worshipping gods. One day I went to a library on Sunday as we do not have any work and saw your beautiful magazine Revival From Down Under. On the first page I saw the contents and saw the article Healing. I thought this is a medicinal article which I thought it would be helpful for me. When I have gone to this healing article, my heart is thinking about Jesus and I am thinking yes I did not worship Jesus and I do not know Jesus. So I started reading all your magazine and the salvation article. I accepted Jesus into my heart and went to home and that night I prayed for my healing and from on the next day I did not get pain. It is up to now three weeks that I am writing you this letter, I did not get the pain. I came to a belief that Master Jesus healed me and I took away all the gods in my shop and now I put a Bible in my shop and am attending the church regularly. This magazine encourages me how to live in this world and my family is all changed and we are now children of God. Master Jesus can do anything. Amen. Thank you for bringing me into a new world and I am ready for His coming. T.T., A.P. India
from India
Grateful To Receive Salvation
I never expected that I would one day give my life to Jesus in Turkey. I belong to the Islamic religion and I am so fond of my religion and its beliefs and also, we are a community of Sunni Sect Islams. We feel that we are the largest in the world and try to also tell other people about our religion who come from all over the world to Turkey for labour work. In Turkey, if we change one person, it is the greatest achievement in our life. But when I heard your message about Jesus, I am really touched. I heard how you have given your life to Jesus and found peace, and this is good that you have been sharing your testimony and then told about Jesus in this great message, Sharing The Gospel. I am hearing about living God Jesus for the first time in my life. My heart found peace while I am hearing about Jesus, and after hearing this great message, I left the Islamic religion which is a dead religion and accepted Jesus. We have no church here, or anything that would pertain about Jesus. I am also telling others as you told to share and yes, we have to Go and tell about Jesus to others. If I could not hear this message, I might lose the heaven. Yes, I am so happy in my life now. I am trying to tell my family about Jesus. Please pray that my family also would come to the living God Jesus. G.I., Turkey
from Turkey
Received Salvation
I am very happy that I heard your great message on the Miracle Net which changed my life in the province of Thailand where I live in a slum area. I am a Buddhist and nobody in my life told me about Jesus. But I am very happy to hear about Jesus in my life for the first time. As you said, there should be somebody to change a life of another person. You are the person in my life where I got an opportunity to hear your message exactly in the petrol station. I have a day off and am able to hear your message and the tuning onto Miracle Net changed my life and has given me a new beginning. I got repentance of life after I heard your testimony, the same is with me. I had questions like, Hello! Can you hear me and the same is your heart. The moment I left this false religion Buddhism and started praying the prayer you told, I am filled with great peace in my heart. Yes, we should Go and tell to others what we have experienced, this I like so much. But I request you to please help me with a bible as you are telling more verses in the messages, I want to turn in and want to know more about Jesus. Please help me if possible, for you Debra. E.I., Thailand
from Thailand
Healed of TB after 9 years and Saved
I read your magazine Revival From Down Under. Previously I was suffering from TB from 9 years. I have no sufficient money for medicines and also my lungs are damaged. But we had a free hospital run by Government and went over there and doctors told me that I will not live for more years, and I am about to die in days. I lost all of my hope and went to every 1000 pagan gods to save my life and heal me. But one day I went to a Pastor of our village, and he gave me your magazine. I have gone through it and my attention turned towards healing. I really do not know that Master Jesus will really heal me if we believe in Him. So then I read Salvation. And then I decided to accept the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart, and I prayed a prayer which I do not know, and asked Jesus to forgive my sins and also, I told Jesus that I will never leave Him until I die believing in Him. I really believed that He is the only Lord which the man had not made. After one week I again went to the Hospital and the doctor done a X-ray and he was surprised to see my lungs clear and he said what happened to you. And doubtfully he done the TB test and it became negative. My heart was full of joy over there and jubilant. How can I express my joy. Debra if your magazine do not reach me I will be in hill now. But see how the Lord saved me. I am a living testimony to my family, my pagan community and also my pagan villages. I want to serve Lord. Thank you. Now I am regularly attending the church and so happy in my physical life. Thank you for the wonderful healing page and salvation. D.P., India
from India
Healed of Arthritis and Saved
I am a Muslim man. I hate Christianity. I have arthritis problem from 10 years. No medicine or my Allah healed me. I always use to fast and meditate and pray to Allah for my healing. Since 10 years I could not get the healing. I like magazine reading and regular attendee of a library in my place. I went to library one Sunday and saw your magazine which I do not feel to read as that is written a free Christian monthly magazine. But my heart is saying let me see what is in it. So I decided to take the magazine and opened the magazine. My eye pointed towards Healing topic, and I saw and read the healing article and thought I can pray to Jesus today and see if I get healing. In the night I said the prayer of salvation I read in the magazine and asked Jesus to heal me and forgive my sins. I accepted Him as my personal saviour into my heart. The next morning and until now it is 3 weeks. I am not feeling any pain and I am relieved of arthritis problem and now I am going to church. SJ, India
from India
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
We are very happy that we have seen your telecast, Sharing The Gospel as a group. We belong to Buddhism here in Thailand and we live in the main streams of the city. We have a religious gathering and while having some snacks we tuned onto Miracle Net which was a great turning point in our lives. You believe or not, never we heard about Jesus in our lives. Your message was a bit long, but your English was so perfect and the accent was nice that you did not tell fast, so we understood everything about our living God Jesus. This message gave us peace and we are 14 people when we saw this message and yes we got an opportunity to hear about Jesus in Thailand and we will never forget this meeting in our lives. As it took someone for you to come to Jesus, the same thing you have done to our lives. We also have the fear that what would happen if we accept Jesus in this Buddhist nation. But you told that this is a spirit of fear and we should follow Jesus as He does not want us to perish. The good thing is He still loves us and yes nobody told us that Jesus is real. But now we know Jesus came to change our lives and in our group with me, only 5 people accepted Jesus and the others ignored. But we do not care about this, but we are trying to tell in our factories where we work, about Jesus. They are asking for some books and if you can help us with some books or a bible. It would be great for us as we cannot purchase here any literature about Jesus. D.T., Thailand
from Thailand
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
I am so glad that I have watched your great message, Sharing The Gospel on the Miracle Net and this message is for me in China. I do not know if you know about our nation or not, but it is good that this message came to my life at the right time. You told in the message everything about Jesus, and He came for the lost and He does not want us to perish. For you, somebody spoke and taken you, and you spoke to me and I have left the false religion Buddhism which I am believing since my birth, because here nobody can tell us about Jesus. As you asked Jesus, Hello, Can You Hear Me, the same way I prayed after hearing your great message. You helped us to hear about Jesus in our lives which I will never forget in my life. You told the verses which is new for me, but I am following your other messages. Yes, I will Go and tell others about Jesus. I have seen your message in my workplace as I work in a hospital, and this is the time I got to hear about Jesus. My life is changed, and I attained peace in my life. Thank you so much Debra. C.X., China
from China
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
Thank you for your wonderful magazine. If I would not have studied it, I could not have known about Jesus. I am a Senior Assistant working in a Government Office. We all have a lunch time regularly and one day one of my employees working with us is studying the magazine Revival From Down Under very seriously. I asked him whether it is an official work magazine? He told no, it is a Christian magazine. I am a pagan man, so I did not care about that. The next day also he read the magazine and I asked what is it particularly about? He told it is about Jesus. He told me I can read if I wanted to know about Jesus God. He told me to read about Salvation. So in the next day lunch I read about Salvation and then I came to know about Jesus and I said a simple prayer and now I am going to church. I accepted Jesus and I now have a lot of peace and joy. V.C., India
from India
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
I am a Brahmin. I am a teacher by profession. I work in a Government School. We had a lot of Christian teachers in our school, working with me. We always discuss about gods and I argue about our gods are real gods and sometimes go into deep discussions. One teacher gave me your magazine and told me to read about this and told I can find more clear explanation who Jesus is and why He came to this world? So I went deep into your RFDU magazine and saw your magazine giving me a very clear understanding for why I need Jesus. So I said a simple prayer of salvation and went to my Christian teachers and told now I am also a Christian. They are so surprised to hear of my testimony. Thank you Editors for giving me new life through your magazine. S.S., India
from India
Healed of Covid
We have a lot of issues of sickness in our family after Covid and this also affected our business and even we have the vaccines, but it did not work in the second wave. But your message about Jesus and also your message about Healing, touched our lives. This message truly touched our lives. Yes, Jesus is our medicine. Even vaccine does not work, but Jesus works in our lives. After hearing this great message, we all gave our lives to Jesus. And we have no sickness now and also, we are getting blessing in our business which we lost after Covid challenges. We thank you so much Debra for telecasting this great truth in our lives in Turkey. G.I., Turkey
from Turkey
Healed of Covid
We are so happy to receive our healing in Jesus' name after hearing your great message about healing and you told that healing is available to all. This is a word that the world should know, not only in a city of Kyoto, but the world is suffering with a great epidemic Covid 19. I lost my wife and son in this season, and I am affected and lying on the bed, but I heard your message and asked Jesus to heal me praying to Jesus the prayer you told me. And the doctor is surprised to see my negative report and asking what else tablets I have taken. I told him about Jesus, but he is laughing. I do not care but am telling to others about my healing testimony. I am now going to work in an industrial area and asking you to please help me with some bibles as some people there are also healed and asking some books if possible as it will multiply the truth that Healing is available to all. Thank you so much. I left Buddhism and became a child of God. E.K., Japan
from Japan
Healing Testimony - Gastric
Thank you so much for your healing article. I was touched by this article. I read your magazine in a Christian Library in my town. Until then I am a Hindu worshipping all pagan gods who are hand made by man. I am having severe gastric pain and also, I had undergone a lot of treatment and also doctors had taken a polyp from my stomach which is of 5 kgs weight. Even though the operation is a success, I am not healed and getting pain regularly. I am using medicines and also going to temples and performing worships and pujas but could not get healing. One Sunday as it is a holiday, I went to the Christian Library nearest to our house and read the Healing article in your magazine. It touched me a lot. I believed in healing and accepted Jesus into my heart and prayed a silent prayer in my heart in the library itself. I got instant healing. I tested myself moving myself. I jumped in joy and went to home and shared my testimony to my family and all my family is now going to church. H.G., India
from India
Healing And Salvation
I am a pagan woman. I have lots of idol gods in my worship room in my home. But my husband had a kidney problem and he lost even use of one of his kidneys and has been using long medication. We went to a lot of temples and also to famous places like Kerala where we get Ayurveda treatment and so on. But my husband was in the same condition. I am fond of magazines, and I go to libraries every Sunday. I saw your magazine in the library and just had a glance on the contents to read it. I saw there is a healing article. I then curiously turned to Healing page, if I can find any medicine for my husband. This article really touched my heart. I decided to hire this from library and took the magazine as I am member of the library and told the librarian I will return next Sunday. So, I went to home and I gave to my husband to read this article and my husband told He will believe in Jesus and we both prayed to Lord Jesus and asked Him to forgive our sins and we also told a prayer of salvation after reading the Salvation article. The next formal week as usual my husband went for kidney check-up and the doctor was surprised to see both kidneys functioning. We are thrilled of joy and happiness. We give praise and thanks to Lord. Sis Debra it is only through you Master Jesus gave healing and salvation to my husband and my family as well. We will never forget you and thank you Jesus. S.K., India
from India
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
I am a Buddhist, and we are not having any religious gatherings in our country as we are only a nation where we need to worship only one god. I am fond of my religion and its beliefs, and I also try to spread about Buddha to others as we are getting a Shrine religion which is nearer to Buddha, and some are being projected towards this religion. But on one day I stopped by your message on Miracle Net. At this time when I saw your face and your good words, I decided to hear what you are saying and then I heard about Jesus for the first time in my life. You told Jesus came for the lost and He is real and your coming to Jesus truly touched me and for the first time I am hearing about a living God Jesus as I already know Buddha was dead. And you told Jesus loves us and we need to follow Jesus and it is an opportunity through you to know about Jesus in my life. After I heard the whole message and knowing Jesus is a God of giving, loving, kind and generous, and the prayer you told, I told. After accepting Jesus in my heart, I found peace in my heart and now I am in God's way. You are the first person in my life who has come through the great message. As this message cannot be banned by the world in connectivity systems, I am so blessed. But I have no church over here to know about Jesus, but I am relying on your messages. If possible, please help me with a bible or some books about Jesus. This message of Sharing The Gospel is truly a great message in my life and I am also telling to my friends to watch your telecasts. A.R., China
from China
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
Dear Debra We live in a very provincial area of Japan, and we are almost in the lock downs, and we recently came to a religion called Shrine religion. And most of our loved ones died due to COVID 19, which affected so much of our family and also our business. Myself and my husband are also affected, and we are in home quarantine, and nobody is allowed to meet us. We only relied on television and also asking our Shrine god to give us the cure. And at that time was our salvation and healing after we saw the Miracle Net and heard your great message, about Healing, and we understand Healing can involve emotions and Jesus can heal us if we ask and believe and receive. The whole message helped us to understand that Jesus is the healer of any disease and even if it is incurable. And the prayer you told in the last of the message was told by us both and the next day our levels of Covid declined and we are negative and healed. And the neighbours opposite to us and behind us are also Covid and we told them Jesus touched us and healed us and they also watched, and they got healed. Then we understood your word. Healing is available to all. We are asking the Miracle Net if they can send us a bible to this country as we cannot buy a bible in Japan. Thank you for helping us know Jesus in our lives. A.I., Japan
from Japan
Prayed the Prayer of Salvation
Dear Sis Debra I never thought in my life that I would personally surrender my life to Jesus. My life if I write it, would be a book. I am a cheater, and police always bring me to prison even if I do not do a crime suspecting me, so I became a most important criminal for police. I always come out and always go into the prison. But one day my life was totally changed as a team came and told me about Jesus and gave me some supplements I needed and also a bible and your tracts. These tracts helped me to understand I no need to care about police but if I can change my life, Jesus will help me to come out of this prison. After accepting Jesus in the prison, the police are so good to me, and they told they will never bring me to prison. And I am excited when I go out, I would share my testimony to my mob who are also in the same way as I am before. But now I am a child of Jesus. I will never forget you in my life. E.I., India
from India
Hungry For The Truth
I attended the conference at Rajam, India. You are such a blessing to us. We are thinking you are not coming to Rajam. Wherever your conference is our team of Pastors would like to attend because we learned a lot of spiritual truths through you and also through the magazine. This magazine every month is great spiritual food to us. Jim & Debra, please do not stop this great and truthful magazine.
from India
Fruit of Repentance
Greetings to you from our Pastors Fellowship in Tenali, India. First let me say my testimony. I have planted 9 churches in villages and am also the President of the Pastors Fellowship in Tenali. I got this magazine and really the Lying Article changed my life. I have misused the monies of the Pastors Fellowship and I agreed my wrong in the Pastors’ meeting and gave back the monies and now my heart is so clean and pure and now I am living in right way and doing the Tithes And Offerings correct. I am also going to website and downloading the magazines. There are more than 140 Pastors here hungry for the word and looking for your magazine. It is producing 100 percent fruit for us. Please Jim do not stop, continue it. We love you and we want to see you in our place.
from India
Financial Provision
I am really blessed with your wonderful magazine. I want to say my testimony here. Before I did not know how to use the Tithes And Offerings correctly, but after reading the article in the magazine I really asked the Lord to forgive me and am now doing it the right way and I am seeing the blessings flowing on my family and my ministry. After following this correctly, the Government gave me a free site for the Church and also gave me help to build a house under a scheme. Thank you so much Jim & Debra for helping me to know the truths and living in His way as we are to be living examples to the congregation.
from India
Grateful, Saved and Healed
I am a pagan woman. I have lots of idol gods in my worship room in my home. But my husband had kidney problem and he lost even one of his kidney and using long medication. We went to a lot of temples and also to famous places like Kerala where we get Ayurveda treatment and so on. But my husband was in the same condition. I am fond of books and I go to libraries every Sunday. I saw your magazine in the library and just had a glance on the contents to read it. I saw there is a Healing article. I then curiously turned to Healing page, to see if I can find any medicine for my husband. This article really touched my heart. I decided to hire this from library and took the magazine as I am member of the library and told the librarian I will return next Sunday. So I went to home and I gave to my husband to read this article and my husband told He will believe in Jesus and we both prayed to Lord Jesus and asked Him to forgive our sins and we also told a Grateful, Saved and Healed I am a pagan woman. I have lots of idol gods in my worship room in my home. But my husband had kidney problem and he lost even one of his kidney and using long medication. We went to a lot of temples and also to famous places like Kerala where we get Ayurveda treatment and so on. But my husband was in the same condition. I am fond of books and I go to libraries every Sunday. I saw your magazine in the library and just had a glance on the contents to read it. I saw there is a Healing article. I then curiously turned to Healing page, to see if I can find any medicine for my husband. This article really touched my heart. I decided to hire this from library and took the magazine as I am member of the library and told the librarian I will return next Sunday. So I went to home and I gave to my husband to read this article and my husband told He will believe in Jesus and we both prayed to Lord Jesus and asked Him to forgive our sins and we also told a prayer of Salvation after reading the Salvation article. The next formal week as usual my husband went for kidney check up and the doctor was surprised to see both kidneys functioning. We are thrilled with joy and happiness. We give praise and thanks to the Lord. Sis Debra it is only through your magazine that Master Jesus gave healing and salvation to my husband and my family as well. We will never forget you and thank you Jesus.
from India
Unmentional Disease
I am suffering from a severe disease which I cannot mention here. From 8 years I am having this disease and also my husband left me and my children also left me. I am in a very weak condition and I know I have only days left. One of my best friends came to see me, and she is so surprised to see my worst condition and she told she will send a Pastor to me to pray. The Pastor came to me and told about Jesus and gave me the magazine Revival From Down Under and also two folded articles Healing and Salvation and told me to read. I did not care about that, but on Sunday morning I feel bored and there is a lot of pain in my body, and then below my pillow I touched the magazine. I remembered this magazine and took it to read and when I read the Healing and the scriptures that followed, I really got hope on Jesus and I believed Jesus will heal me. Then I read the Salvation article which really touched me. Then I prayed the prayer of Salvation and asked the Lord to heal me and forgive me. That night I slept like a baby and in the morning after 10 am, I am able to wake up myself and do my duties and within one week I came to normal condition. I am so surprised to see my body gaining weight. I am blessed. I am now also going to work. Praise the Lord. I believe that very soon my family will come to me.
from India
Healing Testimony
It's wonderful work you're doing people of God. Since I knew you and started to read from this resource, my life in the ministry has been totally changed. My performance in the Lord's alter has completely changed since I met you in Uganda and now I am a man followed by great miracles of the Lord by the laying of the hands done to me. I have been moulded and developed spiritually to fit my call in Jesus not as before. The town did not understand me when I came back to it, but now people are flowing from all the directions including Kenya just to be prayed for. I am gaining the number back and those who spoke negative to the change of my ministry are realizing the great love of the Lord into our ministry. I want to encourage the Revival From Down Under to press on praying for the ministry that God will make it stronger all the days and reach us where we are with these great teachings. When you Prayed for me during my sickness, the Doctors in Musoma town had pronounced my burial, but when you prayed for me on the phone all the pains went instantly and the hidden problem that could not be detected by the Doctor was revealed and a safe surgery was done. This was a great miracle when the the problem which had existed for months was now open when Debra prayed for me! Secondly, if it had not been for your prayers and the immediate support of the money to my wife to help hospitalizing, my life was gone. I am strengthened by your ministry and I love the temptation that just helped my faith to be stronger than before. Temptations do not come to fail us in the Lord, but to show our faith in the Lord and make a testimony. I am reading from the website and will keep you updated. Daniel and Debra, Tanzania
from Tanzania
Healing Testimony
At the age of 17 I had a great love for the sport basketball and was in a local team. Two weeks before Christmas a friend and I went to a swimming pool, while playing I dislocated my knee and was taken to hospital only to discover due to the muscular damage I wouldn't be able to play basketball for a year and it was suggested that I get a knee reconstruction. I have been regularly attending my local church "Revival From Down Under" and attended the nightly meeting with crutches and came out for prayer, God touched me, and the scripture says "Faith without works is dead", so my pastor Jim told me to run around the hall. After not being able to walk, I slowly walked around the room, then my walk became a jog, then my jog became run.God had healed me and that night I walked out of the meeting with my crutches in my hand. I was able to play basketball again and its all thanks to the wonderful and mighty God we serve. He is truely a loving father.
from Australia
Partnership with this Ministry
I have been in Partnership with this ministry for a number of years. Recently I had a small accident, where I damaged another persons car. The cost to repair the damage was about 20% of my wage. This may not sound much, but I was living just comfortably without this extra expense. Throughout the month, I was amazed to find that I was able to comfortably bless others, as well as give over and above my usual giving into offerings (as the Lord prompted me to), all this without being short at the end of the month! So in all, I had spend about 30% extra in the month, and had money over, when I usually would have just had enough to last until the next pay day. Without the faithful teachings of this ministry, I would never had had the faith to beleive God to look after and supply my needs.
from Australia
Financial Provision
I am a current Partner of this wonderful ministry for a while now, and the wonderful thing the Lord has done are increadable. Firstly Thithes, Offerings and Partnership work, the word is true, it comes back to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and runnig over. I have not lacked, every thing is always paid on time, and I just recently got promoted in my job, all thanks to being obedient to God and doing it his way.. Praise the Lord
from Australia
Burnt Hand Healed
Everyone has a silly story to tell about themselves, well here is mine. About two years ago when I was 18, I had just finished cooking myself some dinner, fried rice, and well I had made quite a mess. Immediately I thought I had better clean this up totally forgetting the fact that I had only just turned the stove off and it was still HOT! You guessed it, I removed the parts on the stove and quickly realised it was very hot! I heard my hand sizzle and the pain was horrible! I wrapped my hand in ice trying to numb the pain. That night I headed off as usual to bible study at Revival From Down Under (hand still wrapped in ice) with the intentions of receiving prayer and my healing. "Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" and that is exactly what happened. I received prayer and God healed me instantly. The redness began to leave my hand and I never received a blister or a mark from the burn. Isn't our God an awesome God!
from Australia
Cancer, Thyroid & Kidney Conditions
A lady was healed of a Cancer, Thyroid and Kidney problem
Ulcer & High Blood Pressure
A lady was healed of an Ulcer and High blood pressure
Skin Cancer
The Lord healed me of skin cancer.
Joan, Philippines
The Lord healed my deaf ear.
Robert, Philippines
Gas Pain
Following prayer the Lord healed my gas pain.
Rubeen Sanda, Philippines
High Blood Pressure
The Lord healed my high blood pressure.
Ingracia, Philippines
Following prayer the Lord healed the numbness in my body.
Cappid, Philippines
The Lord healed my deafness.
Jay, Philippines
Deafness and Pain in Body
Following prayer, the I can hear and all the pain is gone.
Loreta, Philippines
The Lord healed the numbness in my body.
Naiceso, Philippines
Body Pain
The Lord healed all the pain in my body.
Deoscore, Philippines
Goitre & Asthma
Following prayer, the Lord healed the goitre and asthma.
Vergie, Philippines
Following prayer, I now have movement in my body again.
Victor, Philippines
Body Pain
After I received prayer, all the pain has gone from my body.
Emelio, Philippines
Gas Pain
The pain has all left.
Thelma, Philippines
Following prayer, the numbness has all gone.
Walson, Philippines
Skin Disease
The Lord healed me of a skin disease.
Velainono, Philippines
Paralysis of the Legs
Following prayer, I can now walk.
Dioscoro, Philippines
Sickness for 5 Years
The Lord has healed me.
Filipe, Philippines
The Lord opened my deaf ear.
Victoria, Philippines
I was paralysed, but the Lord healed me.
Jesis, Philippines
Neck Pain, Short of Breath
I felt God.s healing power and am now healed.
Moteza, Philippines
Back Pain and Cough
The Lord healed my back pain and cough.
Carmencita. Philippines
Body Pain
The Lord took away all the pain my body.
Teedoro, Philippines
Following prayer, I can now breathe.
Martin, Philippines
Breast and Back Pain
All the pain left my breast and back.
Julieta, Philippines
Body Pain
The pain has gone out of my body.
Adela, Philippines
Knee, Stomach and Back Pain
The Lord took away all the pain.
Dioscoro, Philippines
Body Pain
Following prayer, the pain left my body.
Iterri, Philippines
Body Pain
All the pain has gone.
Jenny, Philippines
Paralysed Arm
Following prayer, I can now raise my arm.
Orlando, Philippines
Kidney, Sinus and Ulcer Problems
The Lord healed me.
Ruby, Philippines
Head Pain
The Lord healed the pain.
Victoria, Philippines
Chest Pain
Following prayer, all the pain left my chest.
Mindo, Philippines
Migraine & Chest Pain
All the pain left following prayer.
Meriam, Philippines
Paralytic Body
God healed my paralytic body.
Pastor Mariano
Rheumatism in Shoulder
The Lord healed all the rheumatism.
Obdidrio, Philippines
Following prayer, the Lord healed the arthritis.
Benito, Philippines
Severe Head Pain
The Lord healed all the pain.
Roberto, Philippines
Tuberculosis TB
The Lord healed the tuberculosis.
Anacita, Philippines
Gas Pain
Following prayer, all the pain is gone.
Maximo, Philippines
Ulcer and Heart Failure
The Lord wonderfully healed her ulcer and heart failure.
Bebosa, Philippines
Body and Head Pain
The Lord healed all the pain.
Cilitina, Philippines
Back Pain
The Lord healed all the back pain
Merlyn, Philippines
Chest and Back Pain
The Lord healed her chest and back pain.
Blind Eyes
Jesus Christ opened my blind eyes. I can now see.
J, Philippines
Tuberculosis & Deafness
This lady suffered many years with tuberculosis and deafness. Following prayer she was totally healed.
T, Philippines
Stomach Pains for 20 Years
I had suffered stomach pains for 20 years healed. Following prayer, all the pain has gone.
Hertrodes, Philippines
Gall Bladder
This person said that they had suffered with a gall bladder problem for 5 years. Following prayer, they testified they were totally healed.
G, Philippines
This lady suffered many years with a very large goitre. Following prayer the goitre totally went.
G, Philippines
After 15 years, following prayer, I can now walk.
W, Philippines
Deaf & Dumb
This person was born deaf & dumb. Following prayer she can hear and make sounds.
D, Philippines
Pain in the Eyes
I suffered many years with pain in my eyes. Following prayer all the pain left.
E, Philippines
Ovarian Cancer
This lady suffered many years with ovarian cancer and testified that following prayer, she was totally healed.
C, Philippines
Twisted Pelvis
This young girl was born with a twisted pelvis. Following prayer her pelvis totally straightened up.
P, Philippines
Heart Failure
For many years I had suffered with a heart failure. Jesus Christ has healed my heart.
Juanita, Philippines
Kidney Trouble
Following prayer, my kidney trouble is now healed.
Lydia, Philippines
I could not hear, but following prayer I can now hear.
Leo, Philippines
Frozen Arm
This man had suffered for 15 years being unable to raise his arm. Following prayer, he could not only lift his arm, but strength came into it and he could lift the 20kg amplifier.
A, Philippines
Following a stroke 5 years ago, this lady was paralysed down one side of her body. She needed aids to even walk. Following prayer, freedom came into her whole body and she could walk unaided.
S, Philippines
Bed Ridden
For 3 years this lady had been confined to her bed. She was brought to the meeting and following prayer, she testified of feeling very well and strong.
B, Philippines
High Blood Pressure & Goitre
Following prayer, my high blood pressure and goitre are healed
Fernida, Philippines
I had suffered with diabetes for a long time. I came to the meeting and Jesus healed me.
Shelldiva, Philippines
Nose Pain
This lady testified that for 6 years she had suffered with pain in her nose. Following prayer all the pain left.
N, Philippines
Continual Blood Flow
This lady had suffered many years with a continual flow of blood. She received prayer and the next day testified that the blood flow had stopped.
B, Philippines
Saved Just In Time
On Monday during the day I bought some poison so I could end my life that day. I found out about the crusade and came that night and gave my life to Jesus Christ.
Fortune, Uganda
Deafness & Dumbness Healed
This girl (Sylvia) was brought by her friend to the platform for prayer. She was deaf and dumb from birth. According to the relatives of this girl and the neighbours, this girl was 14 years old. But she had never made any slightest attempt to speak even a monosyllabic word, to do anything which shows that she can hear any sound. After being prayed for by Pastor Debra, the girl started to lisp out some words. Her ears were also opened and she could hear the clapping, and repeating the clap after Pastor Debra, who was at her back. This miracle took place on Saturday 29 October 2005.
Sylvia, Uganda
Saved & Healed
I have been with a heart disease for four years. I have been getting severe pain twice or thrice a week. It had never happened to have the pain for a full week, but the whole week before the conference and crusade the heart was paining me severely. When I came to the crusade on Tuesday 25 October, I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Then the Pastors prayed for me and I can feel no more pain now.
Betty, Uganda
Chest Pains Healed & Lady Delivered
I had a chest pain for about 20 years, but after being prayed for, I felt things running out of me and I was instantly healed.
Joyce, Uganda
Eyesight Healed
Following prayer, the mist on my eyes has all gone.
E, Uganda
Delivered from Witchcraft
For many years I have been bound by spirits of witchcraft. When I came on the crusade ground, a shadow came out of me even without anybody praying for me. I now feel freed.
W, Uganda
Serious Heart Condition
For the last six months, I have suffered with a serious heart condition and could not do any work or anything. I heard about the conference meetings on the radio, so I came along to the Tuesday morning meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, Sister Debra pointed me out and said that God wanted to set me free. At the end of the meeting I came forward for prayer. I fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit, and when I got up, I was set free and healed. No more pain.
Christine, Uganda
My father had a short attack of madness some time back, but when he was prayed for on Wednesday 26 October 2005 in the conference, he is now okay.
Rebecca, Uganda
Demon leaves
I have been praying for long, but I felt as if my prayers were knocking against a certain wall. On Friday 28 October 2005 I was on my way to Kampala and I heard the praising songs. Then the Holy Spirit convicted me to branch off to the crusade, and I did so. Very soon after the praising I saw something like a shadow running out of me and from then I feel free and I can pray very well and get the breakthrough.
Ruth, Uganda
Travel Sickness Healed
Praise God. I want to testify that I am 26 years old but since a child, when I travel by any kind of vehicle, I vomit. That is why now days I decided to use my feet. But want to thank my living God who brought his servants because when they preached and pray I did not remain the same. After crusade I got on motorcycle to take me back but with fear not believing the miracle I've got but nothing happened, so that is why today I am having so much pleasure because our Lord never let us down.
Irene, Uganda
Fractured Leg Healed
I was going to bathe before going to the conference. I was carrying a basin of water in my hands. I slid and fell on the ground and my leg got a fracture. It was Monday and for the whole week I was walking with difficulty because of the pain. On Sunday after service and praying generally for those who wanted healing, Pastor Debra said, "Stand up and test yourself. Do what you couldn't do." Standing up and testing my leg, I could feel no more pain and the fracture had gone.
Tina, Uganda
Prayer Life Healed
I was not able to spend 12 hours without eating or drinking anything, and it was very difficult for me to fast and pray. After being prayed for by the Pastors, the grace of God came upon me and now I can fast for 12 hours and I can spend some hours in prayer.
Judith, Uganda
Pain in Legs Healed
Had continual pain the legs, and have tried many hospitals, but I was healed in the conference.
L, Uganda
Following prayer at the crusade, he testified that his daughter no longer suffers with epilepsy.
F, Uganda.
Painful Internal Condition with External Scarring
For 20 years I have suffered with a painful internal condition which also showed externally on my body in the form of scarring. Following prayer all the pain left and so did the scars.
S, Uganda
Following prayer I have been delivered from bad dreams.
D, Uganda
Heart Condition
Following prayer, the heart pain has gone.
H, Uganda
Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I didn't know much about the name of the Lord. I was blessed by the message.
C, Uganda
Financial Blessing
Since I started hearing about giving, and also me giving, people are blessing me.
H, Uganda
Delivered from Demonic Affliction
Demons have been strangling me during the night and have a headache. I was prayed for in Pastor's office by Pastor Debra. In seconds I was healed and also have peace during sleep - no more demonic attacks.
D, Uganda
Eyes Healed
Had been suffering with pain in the eyes, but was healed after prayer.
G, Uganda
Asthma Healed
At the meetings I was prayed for by Pastor Jim, and the asthma has been healed.
B, Uganda
Abdominal Pain Healed
For over 10 years I have suffered with abdominal pains. Following prayer though, all the pain has gone.
A, Uganda
Tumour in the Breast
I came to the meeting on the Wednesday morning. I was suffering with a tumour in my breast. Sister Debra prayed for me and the tumour has gone, and I am totally healed.
B, Uganda
Pains in the Leg
Have been suffering with pains in both legs and had much trouble walking. Following prayer, all the pain is gone.
M, Uganda
Ulcers Healed
Following prayer, all the ulcers have been healed. Amen.
D, Uganda
Set Free
During the Thursday morning meeting, the power of God came on me and my hands started shaking for about 20 minutes. I now feel so very free.
F, Uganda
Breathing Problems
I have had great difficulty in trying to breathe. Following prayer I am now healed and can breathe.
Fiona, Uganda
Pains in the Legs
I have suffered long time with pains in the legs. Following prayer by Sister Debra, all the pain is gone.
L, Uganda
"I have been paralysed for 12 years but God has made me free.."
Radiah from Pakistan
Tumor Removed
"Through prayer, my tumour was removed.."
Salima from Pakistan
Blood Cancer
"The Lord has healed me from blood cancer.."
Siaka from Pakistan
Heart Problem
"The Lord has healed my one year old child from a heart problem.."
Razia from Pakistan
Hepatitis B
"I have been released from Hepatisis B..
Sifia from Pakistan
Leg Cancer
"I am suffering for 18 years leg cancer but the Lord healed me..
Jamial from Pakistan
Deaf Ear
"I'm 55 years old and was born with a deaf condition in my right ear.  When this ministry came to Mildura, Debra & Jim prayed for me and I was instantly healed.  Praise the Lord.  Glory be to Him!  Hallelujah!  Now I can hear with my right ear."
S from Mildura, Victoria, Australia.
Bi-polar Disease
"Following your ministry, I testified in Church of being healed of Bi-polar disease (which used to be called Manic Depression)."
J from Mildura, Victoria, Australia
Increased Faith
"I felt I moved to a new level of faith.  Thank you for your ministry.  I love you both in the Lord.  Praise God."
L from Mildura, Victoria, Australia
Industrial Deafness
"I have just celebrated my eightieth birthday. For many years I have had to use hearing aids because of industrial deafness.  Eighteen months ago I was fitted with new aids at the Deaf Society in Melbourne, because my remaining hearing had deteriorated very sharply.  They were good, but without them I couldn't understand conversation at all.  Speech sounded all garbled, even when spoken loudly and slowly.  I had to rely on lip reading, and you can't do that with little children, or people who mutter.  It so happened in March this year that Jim and Deb, were invited to Mildura to speak at several churches.  I listened to their teaching, then went out to the front for them to pray for me.  I pulled out an aid from my ear, and said to them:  "I want to give these things away to a Steptoe Auction when God gives me ears that work."  Next morning, wonder of wonders, when I opened the back door, I could hear little sparrows cheeping as their mumma fed them in the bushes at the end of our back lawn, and wind in the trees, and other small sounds I hadn't heard for years.  That evening, I discovered I could turn the T.V. volume down from 17 to 9, and hear clearly.  I could go on and on, but this should be enough to tempt those who have doubts.  I would say "Taste and see that the Lord is good."  I thank Him with all my heart."
I from Mildura, Victoria, Australia
Tendonitis (in whole body)
'A' testified he had suffered for many years from chronic tendonitis and had many visits to chiropractors and physios with only partial relief.  He testified that since receiving prayer and experiencing God's healing power, instantly all the pain in his body has left and he has never had the pain back since.
A, Forrest Hill, Victoria, Australia
Burnt Hand healed
Everyone has a silly story to tell about themselves, well here is mine. About two years ago when I was 18, I had just finished cooking myself some dinner, fried rice, and well I had made quite a mess. Immediately I thought I had better clean this up totally forgetting the fact that I had only just turned the stove off and it was still HOT! You guessed it, I removed the parts on the stove and quickly realised it was very hot! I heard my hand sizzle and the pain was horrible! I wrapped my hand in ice trying to numb the pain. That night I headed off as usual to bible study at Revival From Down Under (hand still wrapped in ice) with the intentions of receiving prayer and my healing. "Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" and that is exactly what happened. I received prayer and God healed me instantly. The redness began to leave my hand and I never received a blister or a mark from the burn. Isn't our God an awesome God!
L from Wantirna, Victoria, Australia
Financial Provision
I am 20 years old and live in Melbourne (Australia), just over a year ago, in 2003 Rodney Howard Browne was due to visit Perth (Australia) in late July. When I heard this I wanted to go with all my heart but did not know how it would be financially possible. I left it in Gods hands; I truly believed that if He wanted me there he would provide the way. It must have been about a week that passed by, and there were 6 people going from my church Revival From Down Under and at this point I still desperately wanted to be there. I had extra work starting to flow in and began to think, maybe it would be possible for me to go also. I finally took the plunge of faith, I said I was going. I planted a seed that night in the offering; it was the seed for God to provide the way. Over the next few months it was remarkable. I had money flowing in from every direction. I was certainly blessed and I knew why it was happening. I heard what God was putting in my heart. I trusted in God, took the step of faith and planted that seed. I was picking up extra work; not only was I looking for it, but where I work actually rang me a few times to offer me extra work. God was also speaking to people and telling them to bless me. It was remarkable; words cannot describe what was happening for me. As all this was happening, my expectations for Perth and what God was going to do continued to grow. I was ecstatic and was counting down the days, the hours. God got me there. He provided the way. He blessed me so that I could be in a place to hear His word and receive His anointing. I could never have done this in my own strength or ability. It was all God and I thank him so much for what He did and continues to do for me. Needless to say I had a fantastic time in Perth!
L from Wantirna, Victoria, Australia

And many, many more...


Copyright © 2002-2025
Jim & Debra Walker Ministries Inc. Knox
No part of the text, photographs, diagrams, studies, magazines, audio or video preaching are to be copied or reproduced for commercial purposes.